
Sunday, April 5, 2020

2014 SC

Looking back six years ago when we were at our SC place at the beach........

September 26, 2014
Weather is not cooperating! I can usually find something to get into, though; like going to the local Goodwill store and finding something special. As most of you know, I live in an old log cabin in Pennsylvania.  I picked this up, thinking it would fit in there, then put it back, and went on my way. Later going through every aisle and nothing grabbing my attention, I started to leave and heard the picture calling to me. "Take me home! Take me home!" I knew I had to go back and, hopefully it would still be there. I should have remembered that if something interests me to put it in my cart, go on, and return it later if the charm it had when I first was attracted to it had faded. I was lucky. It was still there. Price - $2.00! Half price because it had the number of the day marked on the back -  #37. The picture had been professionally framed and the back is plain brown paper with no credits. I won't take it apart. Besides the apples, the colors, the faux wood frame, the fine handiwork was what really grabbed me. How many hours did it take to make? What kind of person spent so much time to complete it and why this particular picture? After returning home, I tried to research the item and only found one comparable - on e-Bay. A metal advertisement sign. Now I did already know who the Shakers were and I also knew that they had a lot of experience gardening, baking, cooking.  There wasn't much about Shaker applesauce, although recipes of other wonderful Shaker dishes were "out there."  What do you think?
 Lots of fine needlepoint work here!
 I couldn't even find the pattern!
 Metal Advertisement sign— e-Bay
please click on image to view larger


  1. Wow, I like it. So colorful, and nostalgic.

  2. This lovely piece would make me happy every time I looked at it. It really makes one wonder about the person who spent all those hours stitching it.
