Saturday, December 31, 2011
The Lawrence Welk Show - Easy Listening - Interview Clay and Sally Hart ...
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Onward to the NEW YEAR!
It was quiet here on Christmas day. Middle daughter (the only offspring who lives nearby) went to NJ to be with her two sisters and brother and their families. That's a good thing. We have NO desire to travel over the holidays. We will go to her place tomorrow to share foods and stuff. Each of our brood called and that was enough!
Our eldest daughter just sent pictures of their Christmas day together. I love her cat, SNOW, even though he gets into everything! He goes into the tree, breaks balls, knocks stuff off all counters, windowsills, and even the table! They love him. He's a Bengal and also goes into the showers with anyone and loves water! She has to take him for a walk, on leash of course, every day! He is loud mouthed and very curious and active. As he ages, he is also becoming very loving and expressive!
Their doggies are wonderful pets as well. Each one is a character. All the children grew up with many many dogs, cats and kittens, horses, birds, mice, Guinea pigs, and numerous wild critters and it's no wonder they have several as members of their adult families. After all, where would we be without our pets?
Guiseppe (Boxer)
Pasquale (Boston Terrier)
And so, several family lifestyles will perpetuate and all families will experience ups and downs as is normal. Life enters into a new year with new challenges and accomplishments.
Sunday, December 25, 2011
Monday, December 19, 2011
Horse Puckey
Sunday, December 18, 2011
Winter is Arriving!
Calling All Birds
Yesterday I had a couple of birds arrive at my home today and they are hanging out with "Wylie." They whisper in his ear that they came from Hawaii and like it here very much. I hope they will stay for a long while! I've already named them "Coco" and "Nut." I'm so grateful for friends who sent birds to me all the way from Hawaii!
Today Hawaii says, "I'm glad they arrived! They might be a bit chilly! 8-)"
Mainland replies, "Nah! They are toasty by the fireplace. They love it here! I have to get them some seed though. They don't care for cornmeal or oatmeal. (We need the bread and can't share.)"
Update from the mainland: Coco and Nut are looking for their friends, the Partridges, but there are no pear trees here. The French hens are hiding somewhere, the calling birds are too cold to call, and the geese and swans have all gone south. Poor turtle doves only have Wylie (and tasty seeds!).
Saturday, December 10, 2011
Oatmeal and Raisin Cookies

Friday, December 9, 2011
Memories of My Old Pop

Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Music is My Heartbeat

Friday, December 2, 2011
Pop's Comb

OLD, like Pop Had!
3-¾" Comb
Extra Fine Tooth Comb
Great for removal of Lice and nits
Ace no longer makes this comb!
Ace now makes this one:
3-1/2" Extra Fine Tooth Lice Comb |
* Extra Fine Tooth Comb |
* Removes Foreign Material From Hair |
* 3.5" Long |
* Color: Black |
* Strong and durable precision cut teeth. |
* Ideal for all hair types. |
* For removal of lice, eggs and nits. |
* Laboratory tested and approved. |
To Remove Head Lice: |
Apply lice killing product (please refer to the product's label for full instructions). |
To Remove Head Lice Eggs: |
1. Comb out any knots that might have formed with any wide-tooth comb. |
2. Divide the hair into 1" wide sections and comb through from root to tip using the Medi-Sweep Deluxe Head Lice Comb and wipe away any lice or eggs from the comb onto a tissue. |
3. Rinse hair thoroughly with warm water. |
4. To clean the Medi-Sweep Deluxe Head Lice Comb, place it in warm, soapy water; rinse thoroughly and dry. |
5. The regular use of the Medi-Sweep Deluxe Head Lice Comb can assist with early detection of lice. |
3-1/2" Extra Fine Tooth Lice Comb $ 1.99 |
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Out of Season...

Monday, November 28, 2011
Failed Experiment
Well I've learned that it isn't easy to "draw" with a nail polish bottle. Nasty stuff - won't go where I want it to! Time to move on to other experiments...
I like the computer recreation better than the original photo I took as they were drying on the kitchen counter. It may take a week for these to dry up! Maybe they'll just go away. That will be OK, too.
Nail Polishing
I'm experimenting with old nail polishes that friends have donated to me.
This is my first painting just completed today. It's on white construction paper.
It's a good thing the cabin is very dry inside because it didn't take forever to dry hanging up from the wagon wheel lamp fixture.
I scanned the actual result but kind of like the first photo I took better.
I may or may not create more of these because I have other ideas spinning around.
(The nail polish odors mingled with my crock pot pork roast and sauerkraut dinner. Interesting combination, don't you think??)
Friday, November 25, 2011
James - 2011
He started of the year with a new scarf and continued to become a fashion plate. His duds were varied through the seasons. In April, his attire drew a comment from a young grandson, who said, "Grandma! James would be embarrassed if he saw himself in flowers! He's girly!" Well, yes he was, but Spring was here and she brings birds, bugs and flowers. Besides, what is most beautiful in virile men is something feminine!
Thursday, September 1, 2011
Irene at the Lake 2011.m4v
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Bang! End of August
We lost power for three full days due to Irene breezing through, but are OK. Poor willow crashed. Dock broke loose on one end but was saved and re-secured before it got away like others did.
Friday, August 26, 2011
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
I have another "long-time" person in my life, but this person is not a friend. This person has outwardly insulted me and several of my immediate family members and other loving friends over the past 15 years to the extent that I have now shut this person out.
Totally. OUT!
It wasn't only the insults, it was the game-playing and disrespect of feelings. I do not do shouting matches. I do not associate with people who do this. At ALL. There will never be a confrontation nor a conciliation. It is too late.
It took a great amount of tolerance from me to have it come to this. At first, I just turned away; the wound wasn't deep. The next time it happened I walked away and licked my wound. The third time, I ran away to tend to a deep wound and then I had completely gone away - bleeding profusely - to join others who were also stricken and injured in the same fashion. There is something seriously skewed in this person's way of thinking and inconsideration of reactions by verbalizing in such venomous manner. This person has a poisonous tongue. It is intolerable and treacherous behavior pointedly intended to entrap and tear apart.

Now "long-time" person wants to get together. It won't happen. My feelings of ill treatment are justified and today my bite punctures are repaired.
I'm reminded of an old-time tale of a frog and a scorpion.
One day a scorpion is hanging around the side of a stream. A frog happens by on his way across the stream. The scorpion cannot swim so he stops the frog and asks if he can climb on his back for a ride across the water.
“Do you think I am crazy?” The frog says. “If I let you on my back, you’ll certainly sting me and I’ll sink in the water and die.”
The scorpion replies, “hey just think about it for a second, I can’t swim. If I sting you, then you’ll die and I’ll sink and die too.”
The frog thinks for a second and decides that makes sense, so he proceeds to give the scorpion a ride across the stream.
About half way across the stream, the scorpion stings the frog. The frog screams “What are you doing? Why did you sting me? Now I am going to drown and die and you are going to sink and die too.”
The scorpion says “because I am a scorpion.”
In this irritating tale there is a disturbing truth: it really happens that people behave in incomprehensible manners with no other reason than, nobody knows why, "that is their nature."
This is a disease that lies deep in human nature. There are many examples, practically every day. We can laugh when they are just funny. But some are dismally tragic.
Sometimes they don't really know or understand life and friendships. I forgive that. Some people never find what they're looking for. It's pitiful.
Monday, August 22, 2011
Saturday, August 20, 2011
The Gathering....
Just a thought......

Friday, August 19, 2011
True Friends...

Dear Cindi,
I'm afraid I'm going to have to turn down your offer to trade Scaroidosis for Ed. Scaroidosis would get under my skin and not respect my space.
I don't want to share Scaroidosis with you either. That's a threesome that would be a sticky and tacky union.
I'm certain that I'd never steal him. You would just let me keep him and that would be no fun at all. I'd be out of breath all of the time!
If you had Ben (Gay) instead, I'd grab him in a minute. He'd be good to take to bed with me. Arthur (Rtis) is a "no-no" because he hurt me before and he always took me from joint to joint. Charley (Horse) makes me get up and go when I don't feel like it. Will (Power) would cramp my style and Johnny is cold right to the bottom. Al (Zymer) is always flirting with me and my other friends.
So you see, I guess I don't really want any companion anymore; especially one that causes me to have lumps and bumps. He sounds like a brutal and difficult cohabitant and besides, his feet are too big.
Please forgive me for my selfishness, but your generosity is well thought-out and very diplomatic as well. Oh, and cruel!
Your true friend, Gere
Note: (The bit about Ben, Arthur, Charley, Will, Johnny and Al has been taken from the experience of others, so no credit can be given here.)
Her reply:
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
My Friend, Joan