
Thursday, April 21, 2022


painted trees down all around
Still no power here. My yard guy will check the propane tank later this afternoon to ensure that the level is reasonably sufficient to continue running due to the generator usage 24 hours a day until regular power is restored. There are some areas in the county that are with it but most are without. It is really hard on those who have no heat, water, lights and more. Right now at 10am it is about 45° and a very dull day. The sun is hiding and some snow has melted,
but not all.

I did some research and here is an excerpt from the Generac site. My generator is serviced EVERY year and that is a good thing!

"If your Generac uses liquid propane stored in a tank, running times are not indefinite but still considerable. Most standard tanks contain anywhere from 250 to 1,000 gallons. Typical home-use will burn through around 2 to 3 gallons of propane an hour. So a 1,000-gallon tank will see you through around two weeks of outages. 

Maintenance: The best way to fight depreciation is to use a lubricant to reduce friction between all of the generator’s moving parts. Generac recommends replacing the oil in your machinery at least every fifty hours of cumulative usage. That translates to once every couple of days of continuous use."   

Well I can't do that! And my tank is 330 gallon size. Oh!

I'm expecting a special delivery tomorrow or Saturday. Some excitement is in the works.

I like a cap with a deep crown and large brim - need to go shopping soon. It will be necessary.


  1. This is getting crazy....

    Could your yard man do that thing, you can't do, for continuous usage? Or a son?

    Gentle hugs,

  2. We had no power for2 weeks after a hurricane hit!

    Shopping? A great pass time!

  3. Your generator was definitely a wise investment. We have a tractor powered one which we once had to use for over a week. It has been a crazy weather week here with thunderstorms and lots of rain. I am hoping your power has already been restored or will be soon.

    1. Many years ago when a snowstorm gave us a week-long power outage in our big home across the lake, we used our motorhome that was parked in the driveway to make power for the entire home! I don't know how he did that!
