
Friday, July 17, 2020

Good For You

Do you know that cantaloupes are bursting with nutrients? They are loaded with vitamin A, and vitamin C and even are a good source of potassium. They are full of flavor and low in calories. They have water and fiber. I have FOUR here today. Well, not really - we ate almost all of one already! Our local farm market was our source and they were only $2.00 each!! Yes, I took a ride out after being leg-challenged for almost 4 weeks. I didn't get out of the car, but the Mister was a good sport and did the cantaloupe shopping. 

When we were in SC we always hit the fruit stand for the fresh Athena melons that came up from Georgia. They were our favorite but we don't seem to find them here. They have a longer ripening period and remain firm and sweet without becoming soft. They closely resemble the local cantaloupes - in appearance. This is an Athena.
I just gave an alert to my neighbor and daughter who now plan to head on out there and get their own!

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  1. I've been having issues with blogger comments. I hope this goes thru.


  2. Those look so good. I like cantaloupe and Ted hate them. LOL Glad you got out even for the ride. Blessings, xoxo, Susie
