
Thursday, July 13, 2017

Wildflower Excursion

Almost got lost! I rode up a long dirt road to see a beautiful view. Watched out for bears too. A neighbor saw a young one in her yard recently.
Yes the first picture is a manipulation.
I was surprised to find very large Yucca plants
I found leftovers of a winter woodpile.
There were no Monarch Butterfly larvae or eggs visible.
Milkweed is beautiful when looked at close up. 
I brought home a couple of the yellow Hawkweed flowers.
please click on image to view larger

1 comment:

  1. When I was a kid, I used to go out each Fall and collect the milkweed seed pods and spray paint them adding glitter and then would string them making garland for Christmas.

    Yes, Milkweed is a pretty blossom, I agree.

    AND.............Love the Molly Post!! She's a doll.
