
Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Through My Windows

The power company sends people to clean out and trim the tree branches and small limbs that threaten the electric and telephone and cable wires here. They haven't done it for several years. I have been trying to get a reasonably-priced tree trimmer to come and cut the limbs on the large spruce across the road as its branches impede my view of the dam road. They all were too expensive! 

When these fellows (about 8 of them, three or four trucks and a supervisor) came today, I stepped out on my front porch and asked them if they would clip off the ones that block my view! They gave me a "Thumbs UP!" and went to work. Poor tree, but now I can see the entire road that goes across the dam. I like to look out and see who is coming and going.  

My Schwan's delivery arrived just before the tree trimmers, the mail carrier much later in the day and the trash pickup wasn't done. Here are a "few" of the pictures - I didn't go outside - too cold for me!

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And then I took a nap!

It’s snowing, it’s blowing, the heater is going..

I went to bed with a dream in my head 

and woke up from where I was going.


  1. "And thenn I took a nap. " Yessss!

    Hooray for the trimming. I'd want to see the road too!

    Stay warm, it's deep winter, for sure.

    Gentle hugs...

  2. And, a thumb’s up for those guys who are always ready and willing to do a little extra to help others! We are in “deep winter” now, but we all know what’s on the other side. We are gaining daylight every day now!

  3. The is great they helped you out like that!! So very kind! Now we all can see what you see out there! I think a new writing series for you could be "Thought My Window."
