
Saturday, November 10, 2018

Through the Windows

We did get the golf car covered just in time! Today was our first real snow flurry. Mother Nature hinted at this yesterday with a few wet flakes, but at exactly 30° this morning there was a little covering. Thousands, yes I mean thousands of geese have just landed at our end of the lake and are gathering to head to warmer land. Winter is coming. For sure.
 Suncatchers need sun to sparkle!
Sugar cookies topped with lemon zest are in order to warm our tummies!
please click on image to view larger


  1. I'll take a couple of your warm cookie & hot chocolate! THANKS!!

    I love the snowy scenes from the window!!!

  2. Your sugar cookies. Mjammie!
    Here it is a bit rainy. Love to see the winter coming on your pics

  3. I particularly like the first picture. No snow here yet but I'm sure I'll be complaining about it soon enough.
