
Sunday, May 14, 2017


No, I'm not going to inundate you with tons of pictures of my beautiful mother. BUT! I am going to praise her with all of my heart, for the sacrifices she made for me, my siblings and our dad. 
Age 16
Mother of four teens in '54
Smiling at age 91
This lady was really a teacher - a teacher by example - a teacher by model. She was constantly showing us how to do things, how to explore and be curious. We females learned all about housekeeping and cooking and gardening and child care and personal care. She also was of the "proper" kind. Yes, we all knew how to hold forks, set a table, and say thank you but we also knew how much appearances and manners meant to her. She was very patriotic and religious.

Mother was a genuine giving person. I simply cannot tell you of all of the giving she did, not just material things but of her skills and knowledge. 

I have a lock of Mother's baby hair captured in a jewelry pendant that was hand-crafted by a beautiful young jewelry artist named Meg. This piece helps me to feel close to her and happy.

Her name is Pauline
Mother Was a Giving Person

Mother gave to others all of her life.
She gave honor and respect to her parents and her friends.
She gave her husband faithfulness and truth.
She gave her children a “proper” upbringing.
She gave her career dedication and diligence.
She gave her church and religious groups extraordinary reverence and participation.
She gave geniality to strangers.
She gave good care to her pets.
She gave time to listen.
She gave time to act.

She gave enthusiastic lessons in crocheting, knitting, sewing, and canning skills.
She gave others an appreciation of music and nature.
She gave tolerant patience to those who were difficult.
She gave sensible advice when asked.
She gave sincerity in her apologies.

She gave material things too:
Never did she visit me without bringing cookies, cake, home-made pies, or something she had cut out of the newspaper. She brought books and other interesting items.
Frugal with herself…very generous to so many others with contributions 
and offerings.

Many have benefited from her gifts of hand-made lap throws and afghans.
She was considerate and lenient…tranquil and calm.

I will always give HER my thanks and praise. 

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