
Friday, August 20, 2021

It is Always a Surprise

"What goes around comes around" or "as you sow, so shall you reap" is the basic understanding of how karma, the law of cause and effect, works. I have experienced this all of my life and I thoroughly believe it is a very special happening. As a child I was always taught to share and have done so. This was shown through example as it is how my parents and good neighbors always did. My girlfriends and I have shared kid's clothes, extra foodstuffs, and everything else imaginable throughout our lives. 

You don't share to see what you'll receive, you share because it feels so good to do it and then I am always surprised that this happens when something comes back. Of course you have to be completely unselfish to experience this and it works in reverse too. 

Today I sent some of my husband's good used clothing items with a neighbor to be donated to her choice of a non-profit organization, not to be put up on any market site to sell. Unexpectedly, later today a couple of cartons of foodstuffs was brought to me!  It happened again and I am overwhelmed with how the karma keeps on working. This time my surprise was totally unexpected because I honestly forgot all about the donation as soon as the volunteer left the driveway with the clothing this morning. 

I thought I had all I needed but this bountiful gift has shown me that others know all about the gift of giving.

I won't list the 63 items that I received this afternoon, but be sure I shall share some. (Yes I counted them!) It really feels good to share.

Do it! 


  1. You are truly amazing. It must have been so hard seeing Ed’s belongings donated. I’m sure those in need will be so grateful to receive them. I’m so glad others are also taking care of you.

  2. Giving is not only worthy, but generous. You did well and not surprisingly rewarded for the unselfish act. You have been on my mind a lot lately. Since I haven't been in my email for some time, I'll place here that I hope you're adjusting well.

  3. Very nice!!! I love to share also. I think you are right about Karma! Can't wait to see what you got!
