
Sunday, June 13, 2021

Sunday - NOT Sunny Day

I have found myself talking to me - out loud, for heaven's sake! You see, the Mister is in a nearby healthcare and rehab center and the length of his stay is questionable. A visit on our 60th marriage anniversary went OK and there will be more. The best thing is that he is now safe and being given the special care that he really needs. To visit, a call must be made to the Activity Dept. at the center and make an appointment in advance. That's fine. We can do that. I'm home alone BUT have true friends who make my life better. Diabetes and falls are very serious health concerns so anyone 'out there' who knows all about these can really understand.

The momma mallard is showing off her seven little ones. They were way out on the lake so the photos are fuzzy, but it soothes me to know that Mother Nature is still around and very close-by with comforting views. 


  1. Amen to that!! Both that your Mister is being taken care of and that you can be there close by. Nature is soothing. Try and rest sweet Ms. G. Take care of yourself. I talk to myself a lot. I've even argued with myself...out loud.

  2. I talk to sweet dog Millie, so that keeps me out of trouble for talking to myself. Me, Myself, and I are all pretty good friends to have. Keep on talking! :) "Our" mallards that wintered over here are now gone, of course, so we never get to see the little ones. They are darling little things, aren't they?

  3. We were so sad to hear about Ed not being well. You are both in our prayers to the One Who cares more than we 🥰❤💞💖

  4. Hey hope the Mister is doing better! I love hearing the birds in the morning when I get up. They start in around 4 am already! It is ok that you talk to yourself. I do that as much as I can when I need to.
