
Tuesday, July 12, 2022

A Drama to Unfold

Well, I call it a drama, but maybe it isn't really one. Yesterday was when it started. 

I flushed toilet after nap and it overflowed all over the bathroom. I went outside and the sewer box wasn't blinking or the alarm ringing. I called the plumber, who was here replacing a part in the toilet tank in June. He came almost immediately and determined that the sewer was definitely the problem and the grinder pump (installed 2009) wasn't working at all. Neither was the alarm system.

He called the number I had for such emergencies and left a message telling of his find. I have called two hours later again. No reply yet.


In the meantime, I mopped up the water mess (thank goodness just water) and plumber's young son hung out soaking towels for me. Plumber emptied water from toilet bowl and told me not to use it at all and not to put any water down any drains either.  I do have a commode that was for the Mister here so can use that pail in the bowl. I can wash up in a different plastic pail and throw water outdoors. 

I'm wondering if all the vibrations of the road machinery vibrated something off. Plumber said not probable because the sewer pump has not been working for a while, and must be full, though the alarms didn't warn.

Never a dull moment down at the farm! Hope he calls or comes soon! 

I called and left message 8pm. Third call so far…..

Today I waited until late morning and called again. Left message. Neighbor stopped by and emptied my dishwater bucket. She called for me and left message.  That was helpful. I sit here waiting still....

In the meantime, I saw that my sunflower has opened so I took a ride on the buggy and got pictures. I do see what I think might be three more buds! The main stalk is a bit bent and leaning. It is determined to reach the sun. Today there is sun but later, much-needed rain is predicted and again for tomorrow. 

If you enlarge image you will see 4 new buds!


  1. Well, I hope all is fixed!! Sooner than later.

  2. Sorry you had a bad time! Hope things get better! glad you were able to get someone out there to look at it all.
