The wind blew so strongly yesterday that it took Jame's garland off its fasteners at the back of his head. Today I put it back on.
The yellow jackets were already looking for a place in his body to build a new nest.
While I was out there at the old garden area I spied two flowers in bloom that I don't remember seeing before. One is the Star-of- Bethlehem, and is a perennial weed developing from a bulb. I nipped one off and will add it to my wildflower house bouquet. The other is a Wild Hyacinth hiding in the Chive blossom buds. The thousands of chives are doing very well - again! Then, of course the Pickerel weed is everywhere!

Cypress Spurge is doing well this year as it is everywhere today in the old garden. 

As I drove up the road a bit to turn around I spotted the grove of Jack-in-the Pulpits. I thought they were doomed because the road department scraped the roadside of the bank where they grew. I pulled one to replant here. There were at least a dozen flourishing on that bank.

The glass is full today. Buttercups are abundant.
OH, almost forgot to show you what I did for supper last night. A dozen are in the freezer and I ate three! It was a project I have been promising myself to do. (Had to dip into my stash of my brother's homemade maple syrup.) Soooooo successful and delicious. It's been a while! Now I will just pop a couple in the toaster. Homemade is best!
Another delightful post. I enjoy seeing what's blooming in the wild there. And, yay for homemade. What a treat waffles and maple syrup are. I am glad you are taking good care of James. He's high on my list of favorite blogging characters...maybe even number one!