Three days ago I made another batch of pickled eggs and baby beets. I have been looking at a chocolate cake mix in the cupboard but just not in the mood to bake. I did put together a tuna macaroni salad yesterday. Somehow this 'foodie' is uninspired to work in the kitchen. My new chest freezer is working well so I'd better get started to fill it!
Today I dressed James with his summer garland and he looks nice because it hides all the damage his body is enduring. No photo this time. I was too tired and not inspired, I guess. After rejuvenating a bit I went back out, pulled a few weeds and planted the Chinese Lantern plants that a friend brought to me from her garden. I think they are strong enough to grow well. Then I scattered wildflower seeds in the old rock garden. Heaven only knows if they will grow. I moved on to the other end of that garden and put poppy seeds in the soil-filled container, lightly raking them in with my fingers. I do have high hopes for them. I never found someone willing to donate an old boat so I could plant my flower garden in it. When I was up at the old overgrown garden, I saw that the chives and tansy are doing well. There are tons of large Lily of the Valley already in bloom. They are everywhere around the cabin. Every year I pick some. Do you know that they are the birth flower for May? It seems appropriate now to pick some as six friends, two daughters, two grandsons, all have May birthdays. My mother loved the fragrance and wore the Eau De Toilette. I do as well. Her father, also wore that fragrance in a men's version. He always smelled so sweet!

Keeping busy for sure! There’s lots to love about this post. I am hoping your poppies do well in the container. Hilltop Post