In between raindrops today, I rode to the old "rock garden," where the daffodils give me so much pleasure in the spring, to check on how things were growing. A friend had given me three or four of her Chinese Lanterns as I was bemoaning the fact that I haven't seen any up there where they used to grow. I poked the gift of young plants into the old soil of the planter and have been watching them thrive. I have two of those "planters" because they were left-over pieces of plastic pipe from years ago when a drain was constructed by the Mister and a couple of neighbor men. They (the pipe planters) have no bottoms. Today, what did I see? The pictures below tell the story. Success! I intend to clip them for indoor autumn decorations. One has already turned orange. I expect them to go from that stage into a see-through bloom with a berry in the middle.

Wow. So pretty. Great decoration.