
Thursday, June 29, 2023

Beetles and Bushes

... and flowers too!  A memory just surfaced about a pesky critter that I worked very hard to eliminate from my home environment when I was quite young.

On one of my rideabouts I saw that a neighbor had stalks growing next to her mailbox and they were about to bloom!  Well I knew this flower well as the entire base of a next door neighbor in the 1940's was full of them.
Pop used to give me and my brother glass jars filled with kerosene and our mission was to grab and drown as many of the beetles as we could find! It was basically meant to be used for those that were invading the barberry bushes in front of our home, but we also got many from the flowers of neighbors. Pop would strain the dead ones away and give us back our refilled jars containing the same toxic liquid and off we went again on our hunt for more!  

I'm plagued here as well because the eat my ferns and the thimbleberries that grow along the road's bank nearby. 


  1. I am plagued by these nasty beetles too. I catch and toss them into a container of soapy water. I love hollyhocks and the pictures you posted.

  2. I have not see any here but sure they are if I looked..
