
Sunday, July 2, 2023

Time Marches On

It is already July! Tonight is the "buck moon" but I don't think it will be very visible due to a forecast of rain and clouds. This super moon is usually very impressive and now the days are going to get shorter as they progress. The male deer are growing their new antlers at this time. It is nature's way to tell us to slow down and enjoy it all. It is also the holiday tradition in my little town of wonderful hometown parades and tonight there will be fireworks at our lake.  I do appreciate the time and trouble a neighbor takes to supply us all with colorful displays with bangs and booms as reflections on the water are usually impressive. Of course most local dogs go into frightened states and that is hard on both them and owners. We plowed through the experience many times for their comfort. The the town fireworks are scheduled for July 4th. 

Yesterday our lake association held the annual fishing contest with several family only participants, as usual. My daughter fished from her chair on our dock. She hooked her largest fish ever, a 21"  4 lb. Channel Catfish.

We had to dig into my wire cutting craft box to find just the right tool to extract that hook! Then she put her catch back into the lake. In the  past years we would have cut it into fillets and eaten them for sure. This time neither one of us was in the mood prepare it! Later on she caught some sunnies and a pickerel. My grandson and his partner took out our boat to spend almost the entire day on the lake. She caught two pickerel and some panfish and he caught 4 or 5 bass that were over 12" but not heavy enough to count for the contest. The PA fishing warden did ride around and check them for having life jackets and fishing licenses and proper boat registration. They used a newly purchased marine battery which made it possible to totally explore and fish the entire area without being fearful of the old battery failing. Later on that evening he told me that it was a wonderfully long day to totally relax and he hasn't been able to do that for a very lengthy time due to work and moving responsibilities. He even got a nap on the porch swing after coming in for mid-day picnic lunch.

I don't fish - never have except when about age 12 with my brother and our sticks and large safety pins for hooking worms for bait. Almost all other members of my family do, and I have some very 'interesting' images of them. Below is my Maternal Great Grandfather James Marshall Folkner and my Grandfather Aurelius Alva Drake.
The rest of the family was there and it must have been a gathering at a fishing camp. I see my grandmother, great grandmother, aunts and uncles in this photo. 


  1. With the first boom Millie goes into panic mode. I usually put her into her kennel until all is quiet. I don’t fish either. Mary @Hilltop Post

  2. Wow. That’s a big fish
