
Sunday, January 21, 2018

Four Fishermen

As the day was much warmer and the winds had subsided, four fishermen tried their luck. One was a woman. I think women are called fishermen. I didn't watch them catch anything. They sat on their buckets and watched the holes in the ice for action. The biggest excitement was the drilling of these holes. The auger gave trouble firing up and then it took two men to hold it straight for the drilling. The ice must be very thick. 

I apologize for the lack of sharpness in my pictures. I took them through the kitchen windows and my zoom is not at all strong. I darkened the last one because I love the silhouette result.
Meanwhile, I baked a cake for us and created a card for my youngest great nephew's 4th birthday. He lives in Philadelphia so we couldn't share cake. It was a good day! 
please click on image to view larger


  1. I used to be a fairly active fisherman back I the '70s through the early '90s. First locally but mostly down Cape Cod because my fishin' buddy moved down there. It was mostly rainbow trout which we would grill later on in his back yard (back yahd). I never ice fished though. We used to own a little 12' aluminum boat with both a gas and electric motor. Those days are long gone though. I wouldn't be able to do that any more because that is not something Arlene would be interested in and my other buddy is not the outdoorsman my friend down the Cape was. He's not dead or anything he got divorced and well peoples lives change over the years. We did have fun in those days. We drank beer and possibly another form of enhanced entertainment. Ah those were the days! Sorry. I didn't mean to turn my comment into a blog entry.

  2. LOVE the card. And oh my, that cake & chocolate icing!!

    Love the ice fishing series (fisherlady or woman just doesn't cut it!)
