
Thursday, July 7, 2016

Painting Pleasure

I have been collecting old and new nail polishes for about 6 years with the idea that I would paint with them. Personal friends and manicure salons were my source of supplies as I never wear the stuff! The time never seemed right to paint. I knew it had to be an outdoor project due to fumes.  I couldn't decide what to use as my canvas. I had tons of ideas and never executed any. The other day a friend and I went for a ride in the country and when she dropped me off she gave me two 11" x 14" canvases. I had once mentioned that I was thinking about painting again. I was instantly motivated. So....I experimented.

It was surprisingly relaxing to take my pliers (some lids never would twist open) and sit in a chair on the porch with another chair as my easel and go to work for a couple of hours for a few days. There was no plan, no inspiration and I just let the different colors go where they wanted to! Yes! Some were too thick and sticky, some were very thin and drippy. I tried to use at least a dab of every one.

As I was finishing up this morning, I was flattered by a young woman who jogs by often, pushing her two children in a stroller, when she stopped to see what I was doing. She was full of questions about my canvas and asked me if I was an artist. She asked me to show her what I was doing and when I did, she actually exclaimed, "You ARE an artist!"  Made my day!

She then introduced herself as a "down the road and around the corner neighbor" and said she is an art teacher at a local school. Surprised me.

Well this is my first one and I would like to add to it but my subconscious will have to go to work for additions. I did play on the computer with an overlay and the result is here to show the result. I discovered it is difficult to photograph the colorful and shiny canvas inside as I have to use a flash and that distorts the actual colors.  The first four pictures are the same canvas in different positions.
This has a digital overlay and I call it "Palette."
Please click on image to view larger
In 2011 I tried painting on card stock but no one could "see" my woman.