
Saturday, June 14, 2014

Happy Father's Day "Pop!"

I haven't posted in a while due to having WiFi connection drops! It was very sporadic and not dependable at all for over a week. Here goes...This is IMPORTANT! I will do this even if I have to go online again and again and again.

Father's Day!

We called him "Pop" and the most important thing I remember is that he was ALWAYS there for us, and especially for our mother.  As he aged he depended on others a bit but had a sweet way of asking for help. He would say, "When you get a minute - - - "

I really have much more to say about this devoted family man and husband and father. He is always thought of with great love and I miss him. He taught us to be resourceful, industrious, to complete what we start and to do our best in whatever we try.  He was a gentle man and a gentleman.


  1. This is a beautiful tribute for your father Gere. The pictures are wonderful!

  2. Very nice Gere! I enjoyed looking at your family photos. Thanks.

  3. Thank u 4 a trip down memory lane, I loved him,too! He would bring things for the kids and always stop 4 a visit when he was working our area.

  4. What a sweet love story those pictures tell. Aren't we thankful that God gives us memory? Hugs to you for Mother's day, too....missed that one. My computer was fried back in a nasty worm or virus or trojan horse or something and had to sink $600 into a new one. Hubby blames blogging....or at least the I haven't been on....miss all of you!

  5. A sweet tribute and lovely family photos. Hope you get your wi fi connection fixed.

  6. I love the pictures. You have good roots.
