
Friday, March 22, 2013


Ya cain't send this guy anyplace without him getting into trouble! This morning I sent him to the store to get half gallon container of milk and this is what he brought back, including the milk.

Now, don'tcha know we already have snacks galore, including Cheez-its, and Lance Captain Wafers, grilled cheese variety. We absolutely LOVE the Voortman's Lemon Wafers. Voortman's carries others, including strawberry, coconut, chocolate, and vanilla. They are all good, but the lemon are great! In the 'no sugar added' category there are fudge vanilla wafers, fudge peanut butter wafers and mocha cappuccino as well. (I sound like a Voortman's saleslady, don't I?) 

My point here is that the Mister must have had a chocolate urge, he is so deprived! Pectin jelly beans and peppermints just didn't fit the ticket!

Of course, I won't eat anything chocolate - at least I'll try to control myself. (I lied.) Oh, heck, I already had one. (I lied again. I had several.)


  1. lol...I hope you saw my Random Five...I sat and ate an entire package of vanilla sugar wafers like your lemon....just our store brand....while reading blogs last night. I felt sick afterwards. I won't do that again. Instead for breakfast this morning, I had nearly an entire box of strawberry tiny'm so bad. Looks like I won't be losing any weight any time soon. (and you should get Jelly Belly jelly beans...more expensive, but, wow, what a difference! They are DELICIOUS....maybe I'll have to go get some to have tonight for supper!) :)

  2. I like the Voortman cookies too.

  3. Joe is finally on a mission to lose weight, but the lemon cookies look really good.
